Thursday, March 20, 2008

Been addicted to meez avatars recently. Here's ME! :D

Meez 3D avatar avatars games
8:38 PM

You are the most beautiful face,
and i am in love.

Somehow now i cant get thru to you. You sound like a friend - so serious and annoyed. How do i ever get to see you laugh or even smile again? It seems so hard. All i wanted was to communicate. I sms, but our mobile conversation is short (and i wouldnt say "sweet"). Many times i hear your phone beep repeatedly and i wonder, will you actually reply like that to my messages? I miss those nice mobile convos we used to have. How i really laughed at them before, and i know you laughed as well.

Honey, work is tough. Jay did something unfair, so all the more you should be patient and determined. Continue to do your job well and i am sure he will promote you. Train those cashiers to not just do their jobs but more. You should always have faith in yourself. I have faith in you. I see that youre struggling, and youre trying your best to earn that position. And for that, i am proud of you, and i respect you.

I dont know. Problems like this will inevitably rise. I am confused. Ill leave it to you. I am willing to forgo what we had so that youd be happy. If you think youve had enough, tell me. Perhaps im not the one. Still...

You are the most beautiful face,
and i am in love.
2:02 PM
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